Caring for our skin should be a top priority. Protecting the skin we live in and treating it to the highest quality is essential for our daily health. As such, diligently following a healthy skin care regimen is one of the first steps towards long-term skin care benefits.

Using a combination of skin care products and skin vitamins you will be on your way towards a skin care regimen that will not only protect your skin externally but internally as well.

There is something comforting about having a healthy skin care routine. Spending a few minutes in the morning and in the evening to pamper your skin goes a long way to a productive day or restful night. Fortunately, the steps towards a skin care routine for morning and night are the same, with the exception of slight product differences. A basic skincare routine is as follows:

  • Cleanse
  • Tone
  • Moisturize

In addition to these 3-steps, adding exfoliation (as regularly as your skin requires) are all you need to begin a healthy skin care routine.

1. Cleanse

Cleansing your skin is the first step in any healthy skin care routine. Cleansing ensures that all traces of makeup and dirt are eliminated from your skin. Using warm water and your cleanser of choice, thoroughly wash your skin. Apply cleanser and rinse as directed. Doing this in the morning and in the evening will allow for a clean base skin for the rest of your routine.

2. Tone your skin

Toner has many benefits and is a crucial part of any skin care routine, especially for those who have oily skin, or wear heavy skin care products. It goes the extra step of clearing out anything that may be left behind by your cleanser. Additional benefits of toner are:

  • Restoring your skin’s pH balance
  • Moisturizing
  • Refreshes the skin

A key point to remember here when choosing a toner is to ensure that you don’t use anything that is alcohol-based. You don’t want to strip your skin of any natural moisture, but using an alcohol-based toner will cause dryness and tightness that the skin does not need.

3. Moisturize

Moisturizing is one of the most important steps to every healthy skin care routine. Moisturizing protects your skin from the daily wear and tear of the environment and keeps your skin soft and supple. In the morning, using a moisturizer that has sunscreen is essential in protecting your skin from UVA and UVB rays. You’ll need a different moisturizer for your night routine, one that is a bit richer and doesn’t contain sunscreen. Cell turnover is highest as we sleep while our skin is in a relaxed state, therefore using a moisturizer that is a bit stronger will awaken our skin and repair any issues.

4. Exfoliate your skin

Exfoliation is an added step to your healthy skin care routine that does not need to happen every day. Exfoliating your skin 2-3 times a week will allow your skin to maintain a state of healthiness, which will allow it to repair itself and will prepare your skin for absorption of all products and treatments you use. Exfoliation sloughs away dead skin cells leaving behind new, healthy skin. Doing this multiple times a week using warm water and non-abrasive scrubs will leave your skin looking smooth and glowing. Avoid using sugar scrub, baking soda and anything else that is grainy and could scratch the skin. More abrasive skin care items are fine for other areas but the skin on your face is delicate and should be treated as such.

The above 4 steps will send you on your way towards a healthy skin care routine that will benefit your overall skin health. Following these steps and pampering yourself with a will be very beneficial, you’ll notice:

1. Your skin will be in better condition

2. Your skin will work harder for you

3. Your skin will glow

At some point, we all experience some dullness to our skin’s radiance. By exfoliating, moisturizing and using DERMERA skin care vitamins, your youthful glow will re-appear over time.

4. Be consistent

5. Maintenance will be easy

All the work you’ll be putting into maintaining your skin care routine will be so much easier once you see results. Once you’ve established a day and night routine, you’ll begin to notice changes in your skin. Changes in the overall texture, radiance, and fine line and wrinkles that look less pronounced, are a few of the changes you will see.